About Us
Emergency situations take place every day throughout this community. It takes a team of dedicated professionals to make certain that Hancock County is prepared. With direct and continuous communications with the cities of Bay St. Louis, Diamondhead, and Waveland, along with the Hancock County Sheriff's Office, and the volunteer fire departments in the communities throughout the county, the EMA office is there to give guidance and support.
For more information about any of the cities or agencies in Hancock County, please Click the Images to the right.
Our Team
With 30 years in the fire service and emergency management field,
Hooty serves as EMA Director, Fire Investigator, Fire Coordinator,
Homeland Security Coordinator and Safety Officer for Hancock County.
Having begun his career in 1985 as a firefighter for the Diamondhead
Fire Department, Hooty quickly rose through the ranks and was the department's Training Officer and Shift Captain. In 1995, he then went to work for the City of Bay St. Louis Fire Department as Assistant Fire Chief until becoming the Hancock County Emergency Management Director in 2002.
With numerous firefighter and emergency management certifications, Hooty brings a vast wealth of knowledge and experience to EMA office. He has served as President and as a member of the Board of Directors for the Mississippi Civil Defense Emergency Management Association (MCDEMA) and in 2005 received the Mississippi Emergency Management Director of the Year Award for his leadership following Hurricane Katrina. He is an Honorary Member of the Kansas State Emergency Management, has received numerous recognitions from other agencies and has been guest speaker at several conferences in the United States and the Bahamas regarding Hurricane Katrina.
Brian "Hooty" Adam

John Albert Evans
Deputy Director

John Albert has been employed with Hancock County EMA since
July 01, 2006 and is the department's Deputy EMA Director and
Deputy Fire Marshal. He also serves as the county's Training Officer
for Fire Services and is the System Administraator for the E911 Radio
System where he performs radio programming for the county.
John Albert was born and raised in Sunflower County Mississippi where he worked for the Town of Inverness serving as the Public Works Director and Fire Chief. He then worked for Sunflower County as the Emergency Management Agency Director and Fire Coordinator. He has been in the fire service for 20 years with 12 of those years in Emergency Management and 9 years in Public Works. He and his wife Leeanna have three children.

Jeannie Spiers
EMA Secretary
Since 1993 Jeannie Spiers has been employed with Hancock County.
Having first worked for the Road and Bridge Department, Jeannie has
had been responsible for such tasks as receiving clerk, department
payroll clerk, ordering culverts, fuel and materials for road upkeep,
maintenance and ditching as well as helping to improve flood
draininage throughout the entire county.
Jeannie has been with the Hancock County Emergency Management Agency since June 2008 and serves as the department secretary. Some of her daily duties include processing orders for the EMA office, Diamondhead Fire Department and all volunteer fire departments in the county, receiving and filing clerk for the EMA office. She has received training and certification in numerous MEMA and FEMA Emergency Management programs as well as been a valuable and integral member in the Emergency Operations Center during its activation in major events affecting Hancock County, such as Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav, Ike and Isaac, the Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill and the winter freeze event of 2014.
Jennifer Lacoste
EMA Administrative Assistant

Joining the department in November 2012, Jennifer Lacoste brings
over 27 years of customer service experience. With a background in the
travel industry, her planning and coordination experience, along with
her enthusiastic demeanor and professionalism, is an asset to the
EMA office.
Jennifer is responsible for planning of meetings, scheduling of vairous
appointments, coordinating training classes and other office operations
such as answering phone calls and assisting with deparment grant writing. She is responsible for the processing of the EMPG Reimbursments each quarter, and is an active member of the Local Emergency Management Planning Committee where she assists with scheduling of quarterly meetings, planning drills and has assisted with the LEPC grants. Jennifer has also completed course study in FEMA Incident Command System, and other training courses including several conferences regarding emergency management.